Home Icon Public Art Committee

The Public Art Committee shall endeavor to develop a collection of public art that is of the highest quality, that will encompass a broad aesthetic range reflecting the city and the minds of its citizens, that will improve the quality of life in the area, that will be accessible to all individuals, and be a source of pride to all residents.

Percent for Art Program
The Public Art Committee shall seek to develop the Percent for Art Program and the associated collections in such a way so that it is intimately integrated into the fabric of the City of Missoula and reflects a broad range of community input and involvement by artists and art professionals.

Other Responsibilities
The Public Art Committee is responsible for reviewing, advocating, and developing public art projects in the public domain for the City of Missoula. It will develop a formal structure in which to create, develop, and maintain public art as well as further public accessibility to the arts.


Board Information

The Public Art Committee shall endeavor to develop a collection of public art that is of the highest quality, that will encompass a broad aesthetic range reflecting the city and the minds of its citizens, that will improve the quality of life in the area, that will be accessible to all individuals, and be a source of pride to all residents.

Percent for Art Program
The Public Art Committee shall seek to develop the Percent for Art Program and the associated collections in such a way so that it is intimately integrated into the fabric of the City of Missoula and reflects a broad range of community input and involvement by artists and art professionals.

Other Responsibilities
The Public Art Committee is responsible for reviewing, advocating, and developing public art projects in the public domain for the City of Missoula. It will develop a formal structure in which to create, develop, and maintain public art as well as further public accessibility to the arts.

The Public Art Committee is administered by the City of Missoula and Arts Missoula.

Browse Public Art

Traffic Signal Box Art

Public Art Calls

View this presentation for additional information.


Agendas and Minutes:

Go to the City's current agendas and minutes page and use the filter button to the right of the search bar to filter by date or by the name of a board or committee. This link will have agendas and minutes from August 2019 to present.

Archived minutes and agendas: City Council and Board and Commission records from June 18, 2012, to July 19, 2019. 

Meetings are held virtually on Teams, and in the Jack Reidy conference room, 140 W Pine, the third Tuesday of every month at 4:00 PM.

The Public Art Committee consists of nine members serving four-year terms. 

50% + 1

Members shall be selected because of their expertise in historic preservation, visual arts, architecture, or affiliation with a local business association or public entity. 

If you have questions about public art please contact Nathan Poukish, the Public Art Coordinator for Arts Missoula, at (406) 541-0860; [email protected]. If you have questions about the Public Art Committee board, please contact Heidi Bakula in the Mayor's Office at (406) 552-6001; [email protected].
Six members will be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the City Council, two members will be appointed by the City Council and one member shall be a member of the Missoula City Council.
Budget and Finance

Public Art Committee Bylaws 
Ordinance 3221 
Ordinance 3387 
Ordinance 3558 

Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
Hanak, Mia Regular Member 01 Jul 2022 30 Jun 2026 Active Mayor
Hickey, Erika Regular Member 22 Aug 2022 30 Jun 2026 Active Mayor
Vasecka, Sandra City Council Designee 23 Apr 2099 22 Apr 2103 Active City Council
Vazquez, Danielle Regular Member 01 Jul 2021 30 Jun 2025 Active Mayor
Lippert, Dennis Regular Member 01 Jul 2019 30 Jun 2023 Expired City Council
Olson, Kathi Chair 01 Jul 2019 30 Jun 2023 Expired Mayor
